about | Returns some useful information about the bot | |
github | Return a link to the GitHub repository | |
invite | Returns the invite link for the bot and the support server | |
license | Returns the license file for the Github repo for the bot | |
ping | Returns the API and WebSocket latency. | |
privacypolicy | Returns the privacy policy for the bot | |
uptime | Shows the bot's uptime. | |
💰 banpool create | Create a banpool | name |
💰 banpool invite | Generates an invite code for the specified banpool. | name |
💰 banpool list | List all banpools | |
💰 banpool delete | Delete a banpool | name |
💰 banpool remove | Remove a selected guild from a banpool | guild_id name |
💰 banpool info | Get information about a banpool | name |
💰 banpool leave | Leave a banpool. | name |
💰 banpool join | Join a banpool using a generated invite code | code |
💰 banpool | Manage banpools | |
configure | Configure the bot. | |
👑 messageclear | Clears the selected amount of messages from our message database | days |
settings | Get the current settings for the server | |
channelinfo | Returns some useful info about a channel | channel |
charinfo | Returns information about the characters provided | characters |
inviteinfo | Returns information about the characters provided | invite |
messageinfo | Returns some useful information about a message | message_link |
roleinfo | Returns some useful info about a role | role |
serverinfo | Returns some useful information about the current server | |
userinfo | Returns some useful info about a user | user |
avatar | Gets a users avatar picture | user |
id | Parse out the Discord id from any text | text |
jumbo | Sends a bigger version of the given emoji(s) | emoji |
permissions | Gets permission names from a permission BitField | permissions |
remind set | Sets a reminder for you to do something in the future. | duration message |
remind list | Lists all of your reminders. | |
remind delete | Delete a reminder. | id |
remind | Reminds you of something in the future. | |
snowflake | Get information about a snowflake. | snowflake |
archive user | Retrieve all archived messages from a user | user amount |
archive channel | Receive the archive of a channel | channel |
archive | Archive commands | |
ban | Bans the selected user from the server | user clean reason |
💰 crossban | Crossban a user across multiple servers | user reason |
deafen | Deafens a member from a Voice Channel they're connected to | member reason |
infraction search | Search for infractions by user | user page |
infraction info | Get info about an infraction | id |
infraction claim | Claim responsibility over an infraction | id |
infraction delete | Delete an infraction | id |
infraction update | Update the reason of an infraction. | id reason |
infraction modsearch | Search for infractions by moderator | moderator page |
infraction offendersearch | Search for infractions by offender. | offender page |
infraction | Manage infractions. | |
kick | Kicks the selected user from the server | member clean reason |
lockdown | Locks/unlocks the selected channel | channel lock |
mute | Mutes the selected user | member duration reason |
nickname | Change the nickname of a user. | member nickname reason |
prune | Prune users from the server | days roles reason |
purge all | Purge all messages from a channel. | amount |
purge user | Purge messages from a user. | member amount |
purge bots | Purges bot messages from the current channel. | amount |
purge contains | Purges messages containing the query. | query amount |
purge embeds | Purge messages with embeds. | amount |
purge emojis | Purge messages containing emojis. | amount |
purge images | Purge all images from a channel. | amount |
purge until | Purge messages from a channel until a certain message. | message |
purge between | Purge messages from a channel between two messages. | message1 message2 |
purge | Purge messages from a channel. | |
slowmode | Set the slowmode for a channel. | channel duration |
tempban | Bans a user for a specified amount of time | member duration reason |
unban | Unbans a user from the server. | user reason |
undeafen | Undeafens a member from a Voice Channel they're connected to | member reason |
unmute | Unmutes the specified user. | member reason |
verification | Set the verification level of the server | level |
warn | Warns the selected server member | member reason |